Friday, 19 August 2016

Pictures of the day: 18 August 2016. 

1.   A full moon hangs over Ely Cathedral in Cambridgeshire

A full moon hangs over Ely Cathedral in Cambridgeshire

2. An owner takes a picture of her dog as it climbs up on a glass panel while swimming at a pool 

for dogs in Chengdu, China.

 An owner takes a picture of her dog as it climbs up on a glass panel while swimming at a pool for dogs in Chengdu, China 

3.  Visitors look at an installation consisting of light and mirrors titled 'Tropical Mirage' at the
 National Design Centre, part of the Night Festival in Singapore.
Visitors look at the installation consisting of light and mirrors titled 'Tropical Mirage' at the National Design Centre during a media preview of the Night Festival in Singapore, 
4. Polish-born photographer Robert Sijka specialises in portraits of the elegant Maine Coon cat species. Now living in China, Sijka began photographing the Maine Coon cat, the largest breed of domesticated felines, six years ago when his wife began breeding them.


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