Friday 23 September 2016

23 Apps That Will Make Your Life So Much Easier.

Get your shit done. 

Alice Mongkongllite / BuzzFeed
We hope you love the products we recommend! Just so you know, BuzzFeed may collect a small share of sales 
from the links on this page.

1. Habitica (free, iOS, Android) is a task manager that feels more like a ~game~ than a daunting chore list.

Habitica (free, iOS, Android) is a task manager that feels more like a ~game~ than a daunting chore list.
HabitRPG, Inc
“It’s like a bullet journal except it’s designed like an old-fashioned RPG game. You get gear,
 XP, pets, and you can be on a team with friends!”–pinestories
“Habitica has actually helped me make a bunch of little improvements in my life… and stick
 with them.”–katherineh5

2. Clue (free, iOS, Android) is a period tracker that 

predicts when your next period is coming so you don’t 

have to hold a funeral for your fave pair of undies.

Clue (free, iOS, Android) is a period tracker that predicts when your next period is coming so you don't have to hold a funeral for your fave pair of undies.

“It tracks everything from your periods, to your moods and it even how many times you get it on. Now, when my doctor asks when my last period was, I am able to give them the correct date!”–meghans404e6880b

3. Schoolhub Students (free, iOS, Android) is the ultimate 

tool for helping you manage your ~academic~ life.

Schoolhub Students (free, iOS, Android) is the ultimate tool for helping you manage your ~academic~ life.
“You can add stuff on your phone or computer and it keeps everything organized. It even gives you
 updates when you have stuff due. It’s so easy to keep everything in one place, where I can access
 it all the time!”–brettsisaacs

4. Talkspace (free to download, iOS, Andriod) is a therapy

 and counseling app that will connect you directly 

with a certified professional.

“It’s the only way I would ever be able to have a therapist while living abroad. It costs $128 per month,
 but it’s text-based, so it’s worth it. Having a meltdown? Just fire off a quick message to your therapist
 and they’ll respond ASAP. Honestly saved my life.”–joannam47cf21502

5. Venmo (free, iOS, Android) is an app that lets you 

transfer money to your friends instantly, without 

worrying about cash.

Venmo (free, iOS, Android) is an app that lets you transfer money to your friends instantly, without worrying about cash.
“It can also remind them to pay you back, without being annoying.”–re1392

6. Mealime (free, iOS, Android) is a meal planning app

 that helps you cook something healthy without spending 

five hours doing it.

Mealime (free, iOS, Android) is a meal planning app that helps you cook something healthy without spending five hours doing it.
“It’s the best meal planning app out there. It lets you choose how much meat you eat, exclude any
 foods you dislike and pick out what you want to eat! It then gives you a grocery list and the
 (super easy) recipes in the app! The best part? They’re all under 30 minutes and super tasty!”

7. GasBuddy (free, iOS, Android) will guide you to the 

cheapest gas in the area without wasting actual gas.

GasBuddy (free, iOS, Android) will guide you to the cheapest gas in the area without wasting actual gas.
“I’m a broke and busy lady so before I set out on errands or a lunch break, I check my fuel gauge 
then the app. You can refine by price or location so you don’t have to spend forever driving around 
looking for the cheapest gas.”–juliepicks

8. LokLok (free, Android) is an app for long-distance 

couples or BFFs to leave notes on each others’ lock screens.

LokLok (free, Android) is an app for long-distance couples or BFFs to leave notes on each others' lock screens.
“You can also leave yourself notes and reminders over your lock screen so it’s the first thing you see 
when you turn on your phone. Absolute lifesaver!”–jacqolantern17

9. Slader (free, iOS) is the perfect study buddy for 

students who prefer to see step-by-step solutions.

Slader (free, iOS) is the perfect study buddy for students who prefer to see step-by-step solutions.
“I used it for calculus, and it will show me step-by step-how to do a problem, but they have it
 for tons of subjects and textbooks!”–jennacorleyc

10. Quality Time (free, Andriod) helps you monitor

 and get real-time data on how much time you spend 

on your phone.

Quality Time (free, Andriod) helps you monitor and get real-time data on how much time you spend on your phone.
Quality Time
“It tells you how much you’re using your phone and tracks things like the number of times you 
unlock it and the time you spend in each app. You can ‘take a break’ and get stuff done when
 you’re constantly being distracted by your phone.”–bibioftheshire

11. Vent (free, iOS, Android) is a community-based

 app that will let you express your feels and connect 

with others.

“It’s great if you just really need to, well, vent. Plus you can find some really cool people.”

12. Digit (free, iOS, Android), which will turn serial

 spenders into serial savers in no time.

Digit (free, iOS, Android), which will turn serial spenders into serial savers in no time.
Hello Digit, Inc
“It automatically takes money from your checking account and puts it in the app as savings. 
It sounds more scary than it its. It’s FDIC insured and you can put custom limits, like not letting 
it take out anything if your checking account is less than $400.”–Vanessa Prat, Facebook

13. Waterlogged (free, iOS, Android) tracks your 

water intake, making sure you’re always hydrated

 even at the busiest of times.

Waterlogged (free, iOS, Android) tracks your water intake, making sure you're always hydrated even at the busiest of times.
“I work with kids and my days are hectic, so I like being able to stop once and a while and 
add my water intake and/or to view my water and liquid intake so I don’t become dehydrated.”
–Shannon LeBlanc, Facebook

14. Sleep Cycle Alarm Clock (free, iOS, Android) is an intelligent alarm clock that analyzes your sleep and

 pinpoints the best time to wake you up.

Sleep Cycle Alarm Clock (free, iOS, Android) is an intelligent alarm clock that analyzes your sleep and pinpoints the best time to wake you up.
Sleep Cycle Alarm Clock
“It’s the best alarm clock app around. You set a half hour period of when the best time would
 be to be woken up, and tries to wake you up during the ~lightest~ phase, so you never have
 to get up during a deep sleep ever again.”–tarad19

15. Hopper (free iOS, Android) will save you serious money

 by finding the best time to buy plane tickets.

“I was looking for roundtrip flights to Ireland and was getting results of like $1000+ (which is 
what I expected). Someone told me to use Hopper and now I have round-trip airfare to Dublin for
 $623! That’s $400 in savings that I can spend on fun times in Dublin! Boom!”–Kelli Diane, Facebook

16. foodgawker (free, iOS) will help you take your

 cooking game to the next level.

foodgawker (free, iOS) will help you take your cooking game to the next level.
“When you have zero inspiration when it comes to dinner time, but want to know what you can
 make with the ingredients left in your fridge.”–Rosetintedkill

17. Evernote Scannable (free, iOS) can scan contracts,

 receipts, business cards, and whatever else you usually

 find crumpled in the bottom of your bag.

“It is a document scanner for your phone and works quickly without any effort. It can create PDFs 
that you can email right away or save as well as creating images you can email or save to your camera

18. Cozi Family Organizer (free, iOS, Android) will keep 

your fam organized and on the same page, even if things 


Cozi Family Organizer (free, iOS, Android) will keep your fam organized and on the same page, even if things change.
“It makes grocery shopping easy by sharing a list with my husband and being able to sort by aisle 
or category. Also, if you select a recipe, it will auto-populate your grocery list with ingredients!”–dgalante2411
“This app is a lifesaver.”–d489be5b80

19. MyFitnessPal (free, iOS, Android) is a diet and

 exercise tracking app with a built-in barcode scanner.

“It’s a calorie counter stocked with thousands of brand names and restaurant meals. It also allows
 you to input calories from exercise, and gives you a daily projection of how much you would weigh
 in 5 weeks if you stuck to it everyday. And there is a community you can patch into for questions or motivation. And it’s all FREE.”–catherinec42f677501
“I just started using it and has made counting calories and losing weight so much easier.”–karleediane

20. Ovia Fertility Tracker & Ovulation Calculator (free, 

iOS, Android) simplifies all the things that come with

 trying to have a baby.

Ovia Fertility Tracker & Ovulation Calculator (free, iOS, Android) simplifies all the things that come with trying to have a baby.
“When I was trying to get pregnant I found Ovia Fertility to be very helpful. Not only does it 
help you narrow down when you might be ovulating and how long your average cycle is, it also
 helps you track symptoms. And now that I finally got pregnant, I really like their Ovia Pregnancy app 

21. Dollarbird (free, iOS, Android) is a financial app 

that will make sure you’re organized AF instead of broke 


Dollarbird (free, iOS, Android) is a financial app that will make sure you're organized AF instead of broke AF.
“This app has saved my budget AND sanity. You enter every purchase and categorize it, and then it
 keeps you up to date with your balance. I’ve had it for over two years now and swear by it. Best
 part is, it’s free!”–Chelsea Margaret Bradley, Facebook

22. Twilight (free, Android) is a screen dimmer app

 that’s perfect for people who love to stay up late.

Twilight (free, Android) is a screen dimmer app that's perfect for people who love to stay up late.
“It reduces the blue colored light in the screen and the timer can be set to start screen dimming at
 sunset. The app is nice for everybody who wants to use phone at night without eyes hurting from
 the bright light.”–birb
“It’s a lifesaver for people with chronic migraines like myself.”–LilyNicole16

23. And finally, Google Keep (free, iOS, Android) is the

 app for people who want see all of their reminders, notes,

 and checklists with a single glance.

“Very simple, but Google Keep helps me with so much. I can put tags on my notes, make lists,
 drag and sort notes, and have a place to type a quick note to myself. Hear a song I want to
 download later? Keep. Need to make a quick grocery list? Keep.”–abbyraye

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