Wednesday 7 September 2016

What Is Your Good/Evil Percentage?

According to The Simpsons, 1 in 2 million people have the evil gene. Are you one of them? 

1. When sat in economy on a transatlantic flight, would you recline your seat?

  • Of course. 
  • Yes, but only after asking the person sat behind you for permission. 
  • No. I'm not a monster.
  • 2. On average how long does it take you to reply to texts?

  • I always reply instantly.
  • I'll reply if I'm not busy.
  • I'll usually get back to them on the same day. 
  • Hmmm. No comment. 
  • 3.You've been out for dinner with your friends. They want to split the bill, meaning you have to pay £20 each, but your meal (inc. tip) was only £17. What do you do?

  • Let it go. You're more than happy to slightly overpay to avoid stress. And these things even out over time.
  • Play the martyr, saying something like "well mine's only £17, but I'll put in £20" just to make sure people know you're overpaying. 
  • Tell people you're only going to pay for what you ate.
  • What do you prefer?

  • Dogs.
  • Cats. 
  • Hate them both equally. 
  • 4. If your other half bought you a birthday present that was a bit shit, would you tell them?
    AntonioGuillem / Getty

  • Too fucking right I would. 
  • I'd thank them for the effort, but ask if they kept the receipt so I could get something I'd prefer. 
  • Course not – it's the thought that counts. 
  • 5.Have you ever cooked fish in a communal work microwave?

  • No. 
  • Yes. 
  • 6.How often do you call your parents?

  • Daily
  • A couple of times a week.
  • Weekly. 
  • Monthly.
  • Never, they call me. And I sometimes even answer the call. 
  • 7.Have you ever hooked up with someone your friend liked?

  • Nope. 
  • Maybe once. 
  • No. OK, yes. Quite a few a few times. Don't look at me like that. 
  • 8.How do you eat a Kit Kat?

  • One finger at a time. 
  • End to end – biting into multiple fingers at a time. 
  • 9.Have you ever broken up with someone via text message?

  • Kinda. 
  • No. 
  • Is it technically that if you just stop replying to their text messages?
  • 10.If you've finished doing your business and there's one sheet of loo roll left that is mostly just stuck to the cardboard, you...

  • Change it for the next person. 
  • Let that be their problem. Technically there's still some left. My conscience is clear. 
  • 11.The last time you went to a gig, how many photos did you take?
    shironosov / Getty

  • None. 
  • A few. How else would Instagram know what I was up to?!
  • Fucking shitloads. 
  • Why take photos when I can just film the whole thing?
  • 12.Have you ever farted and blamed it on someone else. 

  • No. 
  • Maybe a couple of times. 
  • Literally ALL THE TIME and if anyone clicks either of the other two options they are a liar. A LIAR. 
  • 13.Do you consider yourself to be a good person?

  • It may sound conceited, but yeah. I really am.
  • Occasionally. I mean I really try. But no one can be a good person all the time.  (Or at least that's what I tell myself).
  • I'm a dick. 

  • Please at the end of it all, calculate your Good/Evil Percentage from the Answers you provided. Some Questions are good while others are Bad. This will enable you to know your stand on this Game. 
    (G/E times 100/1)

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