What Is Your Good/Evil Percentage?
According to The Simpsons, 1 in 2 million people have the evil gene. Are you one of them?

1. When sat in economy on a transatlantic flight, would you recline your seat?
Of course.
Yes, but only after asking the person sat behind you for permission.
No. I'm not a monster.
2. On average how long does it take you to reply to texts?
I always reply instantly.
I'll reply if I'm not busy.
I'll usually get back to them on the same day.
Hmmm. No comment.
been out for dinner with your friends. They want to split the bill,
meaning you have to pay £20 each, but your meal (inc. tip) was only £17.
What do you do?
Let it go. You're more than happy to slightly overpay to avoid stress. And these things even out over time.
the martyr, saying something like "well mine's only £17, but I'll put
in £20" just to make sure people know you're overpaying.
Tell people you're only going to pay for what you ate.
Hate them both equally.
4. If your other half bought you a birthday present that was a bit shit, would you tell them?
AntonioGuillem / Getty
Too fucking right I would.
I'd thank them for the effort, but ask if they kept the receipt so I could get something I'd prefer.
Course not – it's the thought that counts.
5.Have you ever cooked fish in a communal work microwave?
6.How often do you call your parents?
A couple of times a week.
Never, they call me. And I sometimes even answer the call.
7.Have you ever hooked up with someone your friend liked?
Maybe once.
No. OK, yes. Quite a few a few times. Don't look at me like that.
8.How do you eat a Kit Kat?
One finger at a time.
End to end – biting into multiple fingers at a time.
9.Have you ever broken up with someone via text message?
Is it technically that if you just stop replying to their text messages?
10.If you've finished doing your business and there's one sheet of loo roll left that is mostly just stuck to the cardboard, you...
Change it for the next person.
Let that be their problem. Technically there's still some left. My conscience is clear.
11.The last time you went to a gig, how many photos did you take?
shironosov / Getty
A few. How else would Instagram know what I was up to?!
Fucking shitloads.
Why take photos when I can just film the whole thing?
12.Have you ever farted and blamed it on someone else.
Maybe a couple of times.
Literally ALL THE TIME and if anyone clicks either of the other two options they are a liar. A LIAR.
13.Do you consider yourself to be a good person?
It may sound conceited, but yeah. I really am.
Occasionally. I mean I really try. But no one can be a good person all the time. (Or at least that's what I tell myself).
I'm a dick.
Please at the end of it all, calculate your Good/Evil Percentage from the Answers you provided. Some Questions are good while others are Bad. This will enable you to know your stand on this Game.
(G/E times 100/1)
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