How to
become a ‘clean thinker’
and get rid of middle-ages brain
I first noticed it on the school run. Every day, a teacher would be stationed outside the classroom door to shepherd the children into the arms of their waiting parents. But one day, as I was about to exchange our usual greeting, my face reddened. I couldn’t remember the teacher’s name.
So it came as no surprise to read the results of a new study, last month, that said women’s brains start going downhill in their 50s - a decade earlier than previously thought. The academics from the University of California found that, on average, the female mind loses up to five per cent of its sharpness between 50 and 60.
Their study, published in journal Plos One, followed more than 2,000 healthy women, aged in their 40s, for 10 years. It found that verbal memory declined by, on average, one per cent every five years, and cognitive processing - including speed of perception and reaction - declined by one per cent every two years.
Nor was I
shocked to read their conclusion: that forgetfulness and stress are
bedfellows. After all, negotiating the school gates can be fraught with
worry, a toxic brew of competitive mothers and agitated offspring.
One comfort, is that that this decline is a perfectly normal feature of ageing. Best of all though, there is hope: it turns out we can hold our mental downfall in check – and even reverse it.
Thanks to a five-year collaboration with the nutritional therapist Alice Mackintosh, I am happy to report that my school run is now back to normal. I first went to see Alice after becoming interested in harnessing the power of food to improve my own mental health, following two serious breakdowns in my thirties.
At the time of the first, in 1997, I was trying to combine the pressure of working life on a national newspaper, with the demands of a young family. My husband Sebastian and I had two children under the age of three - Edward, two, and three month-old George.
One comfort, is that that this decline is a perfectly normal feature of ageing. Best of all though, there is hope: it turns out we can hold our mental downfall in check – and even reverse it.
Thanks to a five-year collaboration with the nutritional therapist Alice Mackintosh, I am happy to report that my school run is now back to normal. I first went to see Alice after becoming interested in harnessing the power of food to improve my own mental health, following two serious breakdowns in my thirties.
At the time of the first, in 1997, I was trying to combine the pressure of working life on a national newspaper, with the demands of a young family. My husband Sebastian and I had two children under the age of three - Edward, two, and three month-old George.
Writer and mental health campaigner Rachel Kelly.
One night
I couldn’t sleep. But with the insomnia came some other alarming
symptoms: my heart rate quickened, I felt sick, and my mind was racing.
Was I having a heart attack? It turned out to be the start of an
anxiety-fuelled depressive episode which saw me briefly hospitalised. I
had a second major episode in 2003, and was seriously incapacitated for
eighteen months. Both times I was treated mainly with drugs and therapy,
and gradually, I began to recover. But it was at that point that I
decided to investigate a holistic approach to good mental health. I
didn’t want to succumb to a third breakdown if I could possibly avoid
I was introduced to the healing powers of a change in diet, when I took George, by now aged nine, to a nutritional therapy clinic in west London to treat his eczema. I was delighted when his angry red skin began to heal, after we reduced the amount of dairy and wheat in his diet. But it wasn’t until much later that I wondered if food could boost my mental health, and I sought out Alice, who was also interested in the link between food and mood.
I was introduced to the healing powers of a change in diet, when I took George, by now aged nine, to a nutritional therapy clinic in west London to treat his eczema. I was delighted when his angry red skin began to heal, after we reduced the amount of dairy and wheat in his diet. But it wasn’t until much later that I wondered if food could boost my mental health, and I sought out Alice, who was also interested in the link between food and mood.
I already
knew that my mind could become foggy when I felt stressed, and a
psychiatrist told me that a person’s IQ can drop by 30 points when they
are suffering with anxiety. Over the years there have been times when
antidepressants and sleeping pills have left me muddled and forgetful.
Might changing my diet help boost my mental clarity?
Our brains consume about 300 calories every day, and the same again at night. This means that good nutrition is extremely important for our mental health and our ability to remember things – names, for example. Alice taught me that a diet containing processed fats, sugar and preservatives may be setting us up for the kind of chronic inflammation that scientists and doctors think may be at the root of low mood, anxiety and depression, as well as poor cognitive function.
Might changing my diet help boost my mental clarity?
Our brains consume about 300 calories every day, and the same again at night. This means that good nutrition is extremely important for our mental health and our ability to remember things – names, for example. Alice taught me that a diet containing processed fats, sugar and preservatives may be setting us up for the kind of chronic inflammation that scientists and doctors think may be at the root of low mood, anxiety and depression, as well as poor cognitive function.
Good nutrition is linked to brain health and cognitive function.
with this information, I resolved to eliminate such foods from my life.
Instead, I focused on buying 'real foods’ for my family, especially
vegetables, which studies have shown can boost our mental health. One,
by academics at Arizona State University in 2010, found that a
vegetarian diet is associated with good moods, While a 2012 German study
suggested that plant antioxidants help neutralise free radicals in our
bodies, which have been linked to depression.
We started to eat more eggs, unprocessed carbohydrates, nuts, seeds, and natural fats like butter and olive oil. We increased the amount of probiotics and fermented foods like natural yoghurt, sauerkraut and miso paste we consumed to encourage healthy gut flora. Some scientists now think that stress influences our gut bacteria, which in turn can have an impact on our mental clarity. I also boosted the amount of beetroot I eat. This contains nitric oxide, a compound that improves blood flow by relaxing the vessels. There are compelling studies about the mind-sharpening effects of berries and seafood, too.
Most importantly, we ate calmly and mindfully, using the 70 recipes that Alice and I developed together, based on more than 140 nutritional studies.
We started to eat more eggs, unprocessed carbohydrates, nuts, seeds, and natural fats like butter and olive oil. We increased the amount of probiotics and fermented foods like natural yoghurt, sauerkraut and miso paste we consumed to encourage healthy gut flora. Some scientists now think that stress influences our gut bacteria, which in turn can have an impact on our mental clarity. I also boosted the amount of beetroot I eat. This contains nitric oxide, a compound that improves blood flow by relaxing the vessels. There are compelling studies about the mind-sharpening effects of berries and seafood, too.
Most importantly, we ate calmly and mindfully, using the 70 recipes that Alice and I developed together, based on more than 140 nutritional studies.
addition, Alice taught me that we should drink more water if we want to
think straight. “Dehydration is a major cause of brain fog, as well as
low mood and lethargy”, she says. I’ve found keeping a jug on the
kitchen table helps me remember to hydrate, as well as eating watery
vegetables such as cucumber, courgettes, celery, radishes, leafy greens,
kiwis, watermelons and grapefruit. It’s my go-to remedy whenever I find
myself accidentally calling one of our children Sammy... the name of
our dog.
While changing my diet has brought all sorts of cognitive benefits (such as ability to remember names - pretty vital in my work as a writer and mental health campaigner) it is not my only 'lifestyle intervention’. As anyone who has started a piece of work after going for a run knows, exercise helps us think straight: one 2016 study from the Netherlands showed that cardiovascular exercise improves memory – as does sex. I’ve also started to learn, by heart, one poem a day to keep my brain on track. My 80-year-old mother has one of the sharpest minds I know, and her head is stocked full of rhyming couplets.
Now, at 51, I don’t have many school runs left. But I’m glad that I’ve found strategies to make these last few years more endurable, enjoyable and - best of all - memorable.
While changing my diet has brought all sorts of cognitive benefits (such as ability to remember names - pretty vital in my work as a writer and mental health campaigner) it is not my only 'lifestyle intervention’. As anyone who has started a piece of work after going for a run knows, exercise helps us think straight: one 2016 study from the Netherlands showed that cardiovascular exercise improves memory – as does sex. I’ve also started to learn, by heart, one poem a day to keep my brain on track. My 80-year-old mother has one of the sharpest minds I know, and her head is stocked full of rhyming couplets.
Now, at 51, I don’t have many school runs left. But I’m glad that I’ve found strategies to make these last few years more endurable, enjoyable and - best of all - memorable.
Foods to tackle brain fog
Eggs, pecans and liver
Choline is a nutrient which plays a key role in a
number of bodily functions, including manufacturing a chemical called
acetylcholine, which affects our concentration and memory. While egg
yolks are the best source, it can also be found in liver, pecans and
The king of 'good mood food’ is the blueberry.
They are a good source of vitamins K and C, as well as fibre, manganese
and antioxidants. Scientists are investigating whether they help protect
against heart disease and some cancers. I recommend adding berries of
all colours to breakfasts, desserts and smoothies.
Salmon and prawns
Eating more seafood could help boost memory.
Crab, and other pink and orange seafood such as salmon and prawns
contain astaxanthin, an antioxidant that, according to one study,
improve dcognitive function when taken as a supplement.
Oily fish, walnuts and flax seeds
Omega 3 fatty acids, found in oily fish like
tuna, as well as walnuts and hemp seeds, are another key ingredient to
boost our mood, as well as cognitive function. After all, our brain is
made up of 60 per cent fat and need a continuous supply - get eating.
You can make it with brown rice, but it takes a little longer, and the risotto won’t be quite as creamy. If you are cooking the beetroot from raw, use gloves when peeling it.
Serves 2
300g cooked beetroot (raw or pre-cooked)
2 tablespoons of olive oil
1 large onion, finely chopped
3-4 garlic
cloves, finely chopped
200g risotto (or brown) rice
600ml vegetable stock
60g soft goat’s cheese
100g walnuts, chopped
1. If you are using fresh beetroot, wash and trim them, but do not peel them. Place them in a large saucepan and completely cover with water. Bring the water to the boil then reduce the heat, put the lid on and simmer until they are just tender. This should take around 30 - 40 minutes depending on their size.
2. Leave the beetroot to cool and then peel and dice them. I f you are using pre-cooked beetroot, simply dice them into small chunks.
3. Heat the oil in a medium-sized saucepan and sauté the onion and garlic until they have softened, then stir in the rice and cook for a further 2-3 minutes. The grains should go slightly translucent.
4. Add a splash of water to the pan and stir, then turn the heat down and add the hot stock, ladle by ladle, stirring the rice regularly to ensure it doesn’t stick a lovely soothing process I find. This is what releases the starch and gives the risotto its creamy consistency.
5. When the stock is almost used up and the rice is cooked this should take 15-20 minutes stir the diced beetroot and half the goat's cheese into it. Leave it for about 5 minutes before switching the heat off.
6. Toast the walnuts in a frying pan over a moderate heat for 2-4 minutes, tossing them regularly to prevent them from burning.
7. Serve the risotto with a scattering of chopped toasted walnuts, the remaining goat’s cheese and a crisp green salad.
Purple risotto with goat's cheese and beetroot
This recipe was given to us by Cecilia, a friend and an accomplished cook, who helps develop healthy recipes for mothers with small children.You can make it with brown rice, but it takes a little longer, and the risotto won’t be quite as creamy. If you are cooking the beetroot from raw, use gloves when peeling it.
Purple risotto with goat's cheese and beetroot
Laura Edwards
300g cooked beetroot (raw or pre-cooked)
2 tablespoons of olive oil
1 large onion, finely chopped
3-4 garlic
cloves, finely chopped
200g risotto (or brown) rice
600ml vegetable stock
60g soft goat’s cheese
100g walnuts, chopped
1. If you are using fresh beetroot, wash and trim them, but do not peel them. Place them in a large saucepan and completely cover with water. Bring the water to the boil then reduce the heat, put the lid on and simmer until they are just tender. This should take around 30 - 40 minutes depending on their size.
2. Leave the beetroot to cool and then peel and dice them. I f you are using pre-cooked beetroot, simply dice them into small chunks.
3. Heat the oil in a medium-sized saucepan and sauté the onion and garlic until they have softened, then stir in the rice and cook for a further 2-3 minutes. The grains should go slightly translucent.
4. Add a splash of water to the pan and stir, then turn the heat down and add the hot stock, ladle by ladle, stirring the rice regularly to ensure it doesn’t stick a lovely soothing process I find. This is what releases the starch and gives the risotto its creamy consistency.
5. When the stock is almost used up and the rice is cooked this should take 15-20 minutes stir the diced beetroot and half the goat's cheese into it. Leave it for about 5 minutes before switching the heat off.
6. Toast the walnuts in a frying pan over a moderate heat for 2-4 minutes, tossing them regularly to prevent them from burning.
7. Serve the risotto with a scattering of chopped toasted walnuts, the remaining goat’s cheese and a crisp green salad.
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